Tooth extraction

Fast and painless

extraction on a visit day

Help in difficult cases


Fast, safe and painless

Tooth extraction is a procedure in which the tooth is completely removed from the alveolar bone. Removal is performed by a dental surgeon under local anaesthesia.

At the LOLDENT aesthetic dentistry clinic, we perform tooth extraction of any level of complexity, using the latest diagnostic methods and treatment planning. Thanks to this, the removal is painless and our patients recover the next day.

In what cases is it necessary to remove a tooth?


Impacted tooth


Broken tooth below the gum line


Tooth with advanced caries


Removal of 8 teeth 8 (the wisdom teeth)

Stages of tooth extraction



Initial appointment. Examination of the oral cavity, formation of a photo protocol, computed tomography of the upper and lower jaws. The doctor assesses the size and shape of the roots, as well as the state of inflammation, and draws up a treatment plan based on the data obtained.


Removal of a tooth

Extraction is effected under local anaesthesia. The tooth is separated from the soft tissue to avoid tissue injury. As a result, the ligaments become weakened. The tooth is removed. If necessary, stitches are applied to the gum.

Appreciate beautiful smiles of our patients

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We change people's lives

We can be helpful to you

Author's veneers

A luxurious and beautiful smile without grinding teeth.

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Artistic restoration

We restore the natural anatomy of the tooth in one visit.

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Gum plastic surgery

We restore the ideal gum contour.

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Dental implantation

One procedure and you'll never have this problem again.

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A perfect and healthy smile in an invisible way.

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We correct bite pathologies of any complexity.

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We will calculate the cost of treatment online

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