For patients


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There is a parking lot on the Clinic premises. To order an entry pass, please call 8 (800) 777-31-31 and leave the following information: full name, a car make and a number plate.

In connection with the start of construction of the 2nd stage building K+31 and the City Clinical Hospital building No. 31 on the territory of Lobachevsky, the number of parking spaces will be reduced starting from September 22.

To visit the K+31 West clinic, you can use the public parking spaces that are located both near the clinic and on the territory of the clinic itself.

Due to the limited number of parking spaces, it is forbidden to park rental cars, such as car sharing, on the territory of the K+31 West clinic.

What documents should I take with me?

Please bring the following documents for the primary visit to the clinic

  1. Patient’s passport
  2. Payer’s passport (if payment is made by a third party)
  3. It is advisable to bring previous medical documentation with you (medical records, health research results, tests, ECG, CT images, computer disks)
  4. If medical documents/laboratory test results are performed by third-party healthcare facilities, a paper copy is required
  5. In connection with the amendments to Federal Law 323 that have come into force regarding the need to issue an electronic certificate of labour disability, Social security data is required when issuing a medical card.

Registration at the clinic is faster if you fill out a visitor’s form on the website in advance

If a visitor is delayed for the consultation/check-up  by more than 10 minutes, the clinic reserves the right to reschedule the appointment.

For the admission to hospital:

  1. Patient’s passport
  2. Payer’s passport (if payment is made by a third party)
  3. During planned hospitalization for a surgical treatment – the results of preoperative preparation
  4. It is advisable to have previous medical documentation with you (medical records, health research results, tests, ECG, CT images, computer disks).

Legal information

Please bring the following documents for the primary visit to the clinic

  1. Patient’s passport
  2. Payer’s passport (if payment is made by a third party)
  3. It is advisable to bring previous medical documentation with you (medical records, health research results, tests, ECG, CT images, computer disks)
  4. If medical documents/laboratory test results are performed by third-party healthcare facilities, a paper copy is required
  5. In connection with the amendments to Federal Law 323 that have come into force regarding the need to issue an electronic certificate of labour disability, Social security data is required when issuing a medical card.

Registration at the clinic is faster if you fill out a visitor’s form on the website in advance


If a visitor is delayed for the consultation/check-up  by more than 10 minutes, the clinic reserves the right to reschedule the appointment.

For the admission to hospital:

  1. Patient’s passport
  2. Payer’s passport (if payment is made by a third party)
  3. During planned hospitalization for a surgical treatment – the results of preoperative preparation
  4. It is advisable to have previous medical documentation with you (medical records, health research results, tests, ECG, CT images, computer disks).

We will calculate the cost of treatment online

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