Author: dent-adm
Dr Ward Subeh
Dr Tabani Mouad Anis
How are veneers placed on teeth?
Installing veneers on teeth takes place in several stages. Let’s tell you more about them.
The process of installing onlays begins with the sanitation, that is, treatment, of the oral cavity. Why aren’t veneers placed on teeth right away? The thing is that if microprostheses are placed on an unprepared crown, then inflammation of the gums and teeth that are affected by caries can be destroyed faster due to the accelerated growth of bacteria.
The next step is grinding the teeth, which is not always a necessary step. With this procedure it is possible to remove small irregularities.
The specialist proceeds to create impressions for the upper and lower veneers. Then, based on this impression, the specialist will make individual veneers for the patient.
The doctor will then place temporary veneers to prevent the patient from experiencing discomfort while eating and drinking. Once the permanent veneers are ready, the doctor will place them in place of the temporary ones using a dental reflective compound.
Veneers without grinding. In what cases the grinding is not necessary?
When is grinding not necessary?
Grinding of tooth enamel is not required if: there are gaps between the teeth where the onlays are planned to be planted; the surface of the tooth itself is initially quite thin (around 0.2 mm); the patient has previously used veneers and now only needs to prepare them a little in order to fit in new ones; presence of tooth wear. Also if teeth are initially small. And the task is to add up in size, in which case the grinding may not be required.
How much does it cost to get veneers planted? The price of onlays and all preparatory procedures accompanying their installation depends on various factors in every given case: for example, on the condition of the tooth enamel and teeth in general (whether fillings are needed, or diseases in the oral cavity should be treated beforehand, etc.).
A luxurious and beautiful smile in 2 days
Designer veneers are the fastest way to a perfect smile
Designer veneers are performed with an individual approach to each patient. Their main advantages are a thin cutting edge, transparency, relief, and the most natural outlook. Any original work is unique because it takes into account the needs of a particular person: we in the clinic hand-pick the color, shape and additional parameters of veneers so that the smile looked as aesthetically pleasant and attractive as possible.
Free online consultation for veneers
Have you been dreaming about veneers for a long time, but didn’t have enough time to come?
You can now schedule a free consultation online. LOLDENT doctors will consult you via video conference, give their recommendations and guide you on cost and timing..
Dream smile without braces
What is diamond orthodontics?
This is creating a smile using veneers. Jewelry work that will save the patient’s time. Suitable for those who are not ready to wait and wear corrective systems. In order to determine the number of visits and work plan, you must sign up for a consultation.
We will be glad to see you at the LOLDENT clinic.